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Janet Kozachek
“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.”
~ Scott Adams
Domiciles of Our Southern Backroads
"I began once again to go on photo shoots with my husband. We were in search of abandoned homesteads and interesting landscapes mostly in Orangeburg and Calhoun Counties. Not everything was abandoned. Some of the domiciles were still maintained and I photographed them because of their light and color. Others were works of art, like the old store front in Elloree with creatively painted folk art on the exterior.
Despite my experimentation with both abstract and conceptual art, my studies of pastoral scenes in South Carolina have become “signature” pieces."
Mosaic Masks
"Kozachek’s attention to geographic distances and perspective shifts indicates the sensitivity with which she both lives in and renders the world in art. Several years ago, she began fashioning doublesided mosaic masks. She likened this development to that of African American memory vessels in which the inner surface is as valued as the exterior one. She explains, “the other side of the mask was a cave in which objects could grow like stalactites. It was a yin to the yang of the face. It could be a metaphorical other – the things that are in the back of the
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